Age of Empires II is set from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance and includes a multitude of civilizations to choose from ranging from the Mayans to the Vikings to the Byzantines. The second and arguably most popular of the Age of Empires trilogy. Sieges, both defending against and partaking in will be a prominent feature in Mount & Blade 2: Banerlord For example you can both engage in diplomacy forging treaties with other nations in this war ravaged land and modify and strengthen our personal weapons. The game seems to offer a mix between actions effecting just the player and the world around him. In addition, an organic economy is promised as well, with the price of goods fluctuating naturally with supply and demand changing due to events in-game.

Build both defenses for your castle and the siege engines to break the enemy’s. This time a major focus of the game is not individual battles between soldiers but taking part in sieges, both defending against them and participating if not leading them as an individual soldier. The upcoming Mount & Blade 2 : Bannerlord seeks to take the smattering of strategy elements existing in the original game and Warband, like the diplomatic marriages and maintaining your own feudal domain, and bring them to the forefront of the game. We will also leave you a video with complementary information to that of the article, we hope you will come back soon.A prequel to the cult classic medieval RPG, Mount and Blade and its expansion: Warband. If you liked this article, don't forget to visit our website where we have many other topics that may interest you about the world of gaming and technology, like this Online strategy games.
This game has a good plot, excellent gameplay and epic battles, you can also create your own maps, one of the free and complete strategy games for Mac
This classic is now completely free and you can download them from its official website, an opportunity that you should not miss. You have approximately 15 hours guaranteed in campaign mode, to control the armies of Russia and Germany and win war. You will have the opportunity to become a hero, but yes, you must be careful with your resources and be daring in battles. It is one of the best games in the App Store, where aliens rule the Earth, build huge and glowing cities and portend a good future for humanity, at least it seems, since they hide under the surface a sinister plan to eliminate anyone who is against the new order. XCOM is a turn-based strategy game and is one of the best in its class, it has excellent playability and is completely oppressive. A very entertaining and fun four-player mode is also available, and all for a low cost.

The game has 20 missions and a mode called skirmish, where you can perfect your strategies and skills for combat. Inside of stories You must defend yourself from aliens, your armored vehicles have the ability to transform in different ways and something unusual about this game is that you will not be able to control the units directly, the only thing you can do is set the route that your team will travel, a big change for conventional strategy games. This strategy game seems conventional, but as you play you realize that it is not. In its fifth installment, Civilization reinforced its elements of diplomacy, and a touch of religion was added with the Gods and Kings extension pack, also the new expansion of Brave New World is included with the game that contains new civilizations such as the from Portugal, Brazil or the Zulus. You will not discover anything new with this game since its formula remains the same, you start with a group of cavemen and little by little begin to progress through history until you establish a civilization to control the world. The typical strategy game in which many hours a day are invested during many of the old versions.